Nov. 27, 2024

Nuclear Energy in Australia (feat. Simon Holmes à Court)

Nick chats to Simon Holmes à Court about nuclear energy in Australia. “When are you covering nuclear?” is one of the most common questions we’ve received from APC listeners. So we finally went there. And it was great to have ...
Sept. 26, 2022

Removing Carbon from the Atmosphere to Reverse Climate Change (feat. Nori)

We chat to Paul Gambill from Nori about their carbon removal marketplace using blockchain technology. This is the second episode in our two-part series about whether crypto and blockchain can be a positive force for addressin...
Nov. 8, 2021

How will Amazon get to net zero emissions?

Charley Daitch from Amazon Web Services (AWS) joins us to talk about the work he’s doing in renewable energy and how Amazon will get to net zero emissions by 2040. Amazon is one of the world’s largest and best known brands. T...
Oct. 18, 2021

Drones to string together the clean energy transition

Cameron Van Der Berg from Infravision explains how can drones help us tackle climate change. As the world transitions to 100% renewable energy we are going to need a whole lot more electricity transmission. Historically fossi...