Dec. 13, 2021

A Positive Climate #Wrapped: 2021 in Review with Alex and Nick

Alex and Nick wrap up 2021 and the end of our second season with a wide ranging chat: the current state of cleantech, some BOLD predictions about the future, the zaniest climate solutions of 2021 and what we’re excited about…
Dec. 6, 2021

E-bikes: the electric vehicle transforming our cities

Zoomo ’s Mina Nada chats to Nick and Alex about the role of electric bikes in the future of our cities. Electric vehicles are a key pillar of our shift to zero carbon transportation. And when we hear the words "electric vehi…
Nov. 22, 2021

Australia's Role in the Battery Revolution

Christaan Jordaan of Sicona and Novalith talks to us about Australia’s great opportunity in batteries. Yes, the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t always blow. But there’s lots of technologies for those in between times …
Nov. 15, 2021

Fashion, but make it sustainable!

Gordon Renouf from Good On You , chats to us about sustainable fashion. We all want to look good and stay up with the latest trends but how do we do this in a sustainable and ethical way? It's an area definitely worth solvin…
Nov. 8, 2021

How will Amazon get to net zero emissions?

Charley Daitch from Amazon Web Services (AWS) joins us to talk about the work he’s doing in renewable energy and how Amazon will get to net zero emissions by 2040. Amazon is one of the world’s largest and best known brands. …
Nov. 1, 2021

Sea Forest's seaweed to stop cows burping

Today’s episode with Sam Elsom from Sea Forest continues our discussion on sustainable protein - can we have our steak and eat it too? We all know that our obsession with meat is not sustainable. The livestock sector account…
Oct. 25, 2021

Great Wrap: Making Cling Wrap Great Again

Julia Kay, co-founder of Great Wrap chats to us about how we can make cling wrap GREAT again! Great Wrap has created Australia's first certified compostable cling wrap - it’s not only made from food waste but it also contain…
Oct. 18, 2021

Drones to string together the clean energy transition

Cameron Van Der Berg from Infravision explains how can drones help us tackle climate change. As the world transitions to 100% renewable energy we are going to need a whole lot more electricity transmission. Historically foss…
Oct. 11, 2021

Meat 3.0: Is Cultured Meat the Future?

Welcome back to Season 2 of A Positive Climate! We’re thrilled to be bringing you another ten episodes EVERY TUESDAY covering everything from sustainable plastics, seaweed to stop cows burping methane and Australia’s potenti…